[rumori] lecture on nothing

Steev [rumori] lecture on nothing
Thu, 7 May 1998 15:03:01 -0700 (PDT) (00894607381, Pine.LNX.3.95.980507150013.13773A-100000ATflotsam.detritus.net)

anybody heard of this CD?

see http://www.popmafia.com/lectures.html
I'm listening to it now. Its very rhythmic sample-based
quirky stuff with lots of soundbites. very nice.


Steev Hise, Syssy Admin
steevAThise.org http://www.cyborganic.com/people/steev new recycled art site: http://www.detritus.net -----------------------------------------------------------------
"Cyberspace is spooky." -Kurt Vonnegut
