[rumori] Tape-beatles story in SF Weekly
Lloyd Dunn [rumori] Tape-beatles story in SF Weekly
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 06:44:21 -0500 (00924176661, v03102800b33b814f922catDialupEudora)
An article about one of the detrivores, The Tape-beatles, has appeared in
sfweekly.com --
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Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:51:54 -0700
To: psrfatinav.net
From: Steve Boland <sbolandatep.newtimes.com>
Subject: Tape-beatles story in SF Weekly
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Here's the permanent address, if you want
Steve Boland
Online Editor, SF Weekly
415/541.0700, sbolandatep.newtimes.com
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