[rumori] infoatgreyday.org
Vicki Bennett [rumori] infoatgreyday.org
Wed, 26 May 1999 21:16:01 +0100 (00927749761, v0151010ab37206bf8d8eat[])
>From: "Grey Day [ info ]" <infoatgreyday.org>
>Organization: g r e y d a y [ d o t ] o r g
>To: peoplelikeusatmistral.co.uk (Mrs Hemel Hempstead)
>Date: Wed, 26 May 1999 15:11:12 -0500
>Thank you so much for your support. We all appreciate it. :)
>Date sent: Wed, 26 May 1999 19:23:42 +0100
>To: infoatgreyday.org
>From: peoplelikeusatmistral.co.uk (Mrs Hemel Hempstead)
>> Dear Greyday,
>> I am writing to give support to your cause. Too long have intelligent
>> people suffered the onslaught of bad graphics, advertising and garish
>> imagery on the World Wide Web, when really we want to learn things.
>> Your website is a relief. I would be glad to link to you.
>> Thank you
>> Hemel
>... m e l a n i e [a] c e r a s o
> /grey day email representative
> /email: infoatgreyday.org
> /web: GreyDay.org
> /sig: Grey Day 1999...Where will you be?