[Rumori] New LOCA videos

Steev Hise steev at detritus.net
Thu Dec 23 09:35:06 PST 2004

on Wed, 22 Dec 2004 David told me:

->The videos are located handily in

really nice work. i especially like 'Heavey Artillery'
 ( i would guess that would be the favorite for most on this list. :-)  )


Steev Hise |  steev at detritus.net | http://detritus.net/steev
read my excellent blog: http://steev.hise.org
"The problem... goes far beyond the old critique of how consumer
culture cultivates feelings of inadequacy, lack, and need so
people will buy and buy again.  Now this culture actually
makes life worse in order to sell solutions that purport to
make it better."
		-Jonathan Rowe, "Rethinking Economics"

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