[Rumori] File sharing is saving the music industry - boo!err.... yay! err.....etc....

matt davignon mattdavignon at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 14 09:05:27 PST 2004

In San Francisco, the average price is $14.98 if you go to one of the big 
indie stores, or $16.98 if you go to one of the corporate chain stores. 
There has been talk that some of the major record labels might lower prices 
down to around $12, but I haven't noticed it yet. (The last 3 times I bought 
something I liked on MTV, I wound up hating the album, so I don't pay much 
attention to the major labels anymore.)

Not sure if the same is true in the UK, but in major US cities, the buying 
and selling of *used* cd's is huge. It certainly has a much bigger effect on 
the market than file trading. Most of the people I know who file-traded 
gradually stopped after Napster shut down.

For those who like to hear samples of a cd before buying, 
www.aquariusrecords.org (a record store, not a label) has samples of most of 
its records in realaudio or mp3. It's a lot of work putting those up, so I 
suggest buying something from them every once in a while to thank them for 
the service.

>From: Anthony Hall <anthonyh at epic.co.uk>

>I'm assuming the same sort of thing is going down / has gone down in the 
>States ?

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