[Rumori] the future of detritus

Steev Hise steev at detritus.net
Thu Apr 28 13:30:00 PDT 2005

hi all,

I want to try to get a discussion going here about what to do
with Detritus.net.  For years now I have felt that the site has
not been been fulfilling its potential, but i just dont have the
time, energy, or inclination any more torealize that potential,
at least all by myself.

Ideally I would like to see Detritus.net, the site and the server
that hosts it and other sites, become more of a collective,
maintained and administered collaboratively by serveral
webmaster types, editors, and "content providers".I want it to
not be "mine" anymore.  I want it to be controlled and run by the
community it purposrts to serve.

That is what i dream of, basically. what do you want? lets talk.
where would you like to see Detritus go? whats the best thing
about it? what has been missing? what is wrong?  what are you
interested in doing?

Id like this discusison to take place on rumori.  if youre on the
detrivore list but not rumori and youd like to get involved with
the converstaion, please join rumori.  detrivores is an announce
only list so dont try replying to that.  instructions for joining
rumori are on

writing to you from an internet cafe in the hottest place i can
remember ever being, El Estor, Guatemala,


p.s. since i am travelling i wont be onlin eenough to be
omnipresent in this discussion, if it develops, but don tlet that
stop you from talking amongst yourselves. please!!!

Steev Hise |  steev at detritus.net | http://detritus.net/steev
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"Disillusionment earlier is better."
		-Jon Leidecker

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