R: [Rumori] Thrift store recordings

Nicola Battista djbatman at olografix.org
Thu Feb 17 13:45:53 PST 2005

My opinion: if the tape is a "master" ie doesnt contain copyrighted
recordings from records or from the radio, for example, then by buying
it from a thrift store you have technically acquired the master (i.e.
the copyright on the recording... but provided that it was the only
"master" copy of a certain tape).
The only problem could arise when the content - even if home-recorded by
some anonymous guy - has a copyrighted source.
For example, a guy could be humming a copyrighted melody or reading a
poem not in the public domain.
I don't see particular problems with anonymous answering machine stuff
but for example, in the past, using this type of source for samples on
the old Mp3.com usually produced a case of rejected track...

Nicola DjB

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