Re: [rumori] Napster-Proof CDs

From: matt davignon (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 13:56:03 PST

That's interesting that you mention that they're going to try to come up
with a new format. I've been saying for years that it will be hard for the
music industry to try to come up with an audio format that will make CD's
look obsolete.

-CD's are small. You can't get much smaller packaging than CD's if you still
want to have artwork and liner notes.
-CD's are a perfect reproduction of what can be recorded in sound, according
to most listeners' ears.
-They already have random access (you can select any track and instantly
play it).
-The amount of songs in a CD is about the amount that many people are
comfortable listening to at one time from a single artist.

I probably won't be any more tempted to buy this than I was to buy a
minidisc player (for purposes other than recording) or a DVD player. I'd be
interested in seeing how they'll try to sell it.


>From: Steev Hise <>
>very interesting article. the CD copy protection scheme
>seems pretty trivial and easy to get around.
>But the scary thing, mentioned at the end, is the idea of
>the industry's main goal: getting rid of the CD altogether
>and replacing it with new formats that include more secure
>copy protection. Like the Dataplay discs.
>this is where consumer action will determine the future...
>DON'T BUY Dataplay!! Don't buy anything with draconian
>copyright technology!! If the consumer refuses, the Culture
>Trust will lose. but what they're hoping is that these shiny
>new formats will be enticing enough that people will give
>away their freedoms.
>Steev Hise, Nervert

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