Re: [rumori] Napster-Proof CDs
Date: Tue Mar 27 2001 - 14:48:37 PST

MP3s can be lossy, yes. I guess inherently they "lose" the data you aren't
supposed to even hear, however, you can record audio in MP3 format with
VERY high resolution, say 256kb/s (128kb/s might even be just as good as
CD) which should be at least as good as CDDA. BTW, what exactly is the data
rate for CDs? 44.1kbits/second doesn't sound right to me :^( Can anyone
help here? I'm starting to talk out of my ass.)

">As digital copy-protection becomes more "rampant" I think hifi A/D-D/A
>machines will become more commonplace. Buy stock.

I've not heard of these machines either, what are they?"

You're probably within 10 feet of 2 or 3 right now. Your computer soundcard
and CD player have circuits that change analog to digital signal (A/D) and
change digital signal back to analog (D/A.) Some companies make "stand
alone" D/A-A/D converters for home theatre systems, music studios, etc....
plug in a SPDIF and "plug out" wires to your cassette deck.

True, most people are still quite satisfied with FM radio and such - the
difference between a digital copy and a _nice_ analog copy would probably
be insignificant... for most people. Real bootleggers aren't going to let
some "proprietary copy protection format" get in their way. Everyone needs
money ;^)

audi 5000,

Every Man <> on 03/27/2001 05:11:09 PM

Please respond to

cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
Subject: Re: [rumori] Napster-Proof CDs

At 04:38 PM 3/27/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Of course you can digitally record any sound, but you still would be
>recording an analog signal coming out of whatever player, and that signal
>will have a slight loss of quality as compared to the original.

But aren't mp3's also a slight loss of quality? I thought that was what
were trying to prevent.

>The copy-protection people want to keep you from making digital "copies"
>are as perfect a sample as the "original copy." Although digital copies
>still not "1 for 1," they are just as good as the original, which is why
>the Industry says it's piracy. Digital copies are also MUCH faster to
>execute than an analog copy. Think, you can rip to your HDD at 8 times
>realtime, but you can't do a playback of the same CD at 8-speed and still
>get the same quality (given that your CD player can play CDs at 8X real
>time ;^)

Well, I would rip it analog once to digital, and then make digital copies
the new digital master I made. 'tis true, though, analog is slightly lossy,
but I'd deal with it.

>As digital copy-protection becomes more "rampant" I think hifi A/D-D/A
>machines will become more commonplace. Buy stock.

I've not heard of these machines either, what are they?

Every Man
Press The Button, Midnight - 3 am Sundays
WRUW, 91.1 FM, Cleveland, OH

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