[rumori] re: sony execs create fake news critic

From: Taylor McLaren (toastATprimus.ca)
Date: Mon Jun 11 2001 - 19:41:51 PDT

Hrm... it's a funny enough announcement, at least for the first couple of
paragraphs, but one sort of has to wonder: who exactly will these
"substantial fines" be paid to? Who exactly has been harmed if a critic
that doesn't actually exist is said to have really liked something? I mean,
is somebody out there honestly going to come forward and say that they feel
cheated out of their twelve bucks because they went to see "Hollow Man" on
David Manning's say-so and it turned out that they felt violated by the
experience? Is it really possible to fine or sue somebody for *possibly*
taking advantage of gullible schmucks?


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