[rumori] beastie boys and sampling
Boster, Bob [rumori] beastie boys and sampling
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 10:39:54 -0800 (00917289594, c=US%a=_%p=HIII%l=MAIN_SERVER-990125183954Z-25512atserver2.orban.com)
>From: Steev[SMTP:steevatdetritus.net]
>Horovitz: People are still going to be sampling [James Brown's] "Funky
>Drummer" in 2010.
I pray that they stop calling it "sampling" by then and just think of it
as deployment of yet another musical element. And they're missing the
iterative element: no one is going to be sampling Funky Drummer, but
rather someone else's sample of same.
>Is there anything from the 1990s that will be worth sampling twenty years
>from now?
>Diamond: Probably. But it's not for us to say. That's for the kid in 2020
>to figure out.
TV news station intro music.