[Rumori] %20 & Chuck D with Fine Arts Militia & Public Enemy - Meaning

Mike Linksvayer ml at gondwanaland.com
Thu Feb 3 11:37:57 PST 2005

On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:12:44AM -0500, PeterALopez wrote:
> The Creative Common licenses we???re initiated/fleshed out by
> Negativland from what I understand but they have been either
> dropped, ignored or forgotten in the mean time.  (I ment to get
> more info on this from someone on Snuggles but I???ve misplaced
> my thoughts)  This really irks me since recently Lessig had a CC
> year 2 party.  Something he mentioned in the Wired lecture I
> bootlegged that he wouldn???t do again...
In every talk I've heard about the sampling licenses, including at
the recent CC party IIRC, Negativland's role in developing the
licenses has been mentioned.

> On selling violating the CC license, pragmatically yes, it's weather
> or not Fair Use can trump the cc licenses.  and i would say yes
> to that.

Every CC license has a clause like this one, copied from
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/sampling+/1.0/legalcode :

	Fair Use Rights. Nothing in this license is intended to
	reduce, limit, or restrict any rights arising from fair
	use, first sale or other limitations on the exclusive rights
	of the copyright owner under copyright law or other applicable

My non-lawyerly understanding is that it shouldn't be possible for
a copyright license to restrict fair use rights anyway, with or
without such an explicit clause.

Disclaimer: I work for CC in a non-legal capacity.

  Mike Linksvayer

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