I already did "Every Cowboy is a Cat," mixing together Poison with the Meow
Mix theme; nobody steal it!
----- Original Message -----
From: <dserklandATnish.org>
To: <rumoriATdetritus.net>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [rumori] Detritus radio
> Dibbs on Cat Stevens! I called it!
> later,
> dan
> Every Man <Every.ManATpressthebutton.com> on 04/13/2001 03:41:55 PM
> Please respond to rumoriATdetritus.net
> To: rumoriATdetritus.net
> cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
> Subject: Re: [rumori] Detritus radio
> > I think she took your question to be
> > rhetorical, when you apparently meant it as a serious request for
> > information.
> Being the "curator" of the Free Speech For Sale project, I have no place
> DISAGREE with her statement.(I wholeheartedly agree about Moby, as well.)
> Yes, quality and ignorant dabbling are pretty much my own criteria for
> curating FSFS tracks, and when those are all said and done, I pick what I
> personally feel are the most impressive, and hope I don't hurt anyone's
> feelings.
> The beauty of net-radio, versus a compilation CD, is that you aren't
> as limited in terms of what you can put on it. Your limitation is only the
> amount of disk space you have to allocate to it, so you don't have to
> with rotating the same 20 - 30 tracks 24 hours a day which would be
> monotonous (like top 40.)
> Steev, what if I submit a collage of songs by the Stay Cats? ;)
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