Re: [rumori] Out of the Art

From: Don Joyce (
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 16:35:02 PDT

As long as your station reaches beyond a few blocks, you will always have
more than one listener. I guarantee it. You can prove it to yourself
anytime at all by saying all your listeners are hopelessly stupid idiotic
jerks and dare them to call you and prove otherwise. If you don't get any
calls, up the obscene insults until you do. You will.
If you are only reaching a few blocks, you may be right but you are not
what I'm talking about.

>>From: Don Joyce <>
>>Yes you CAN be sure others are listening to the same station. (Can you
>>imagine listening to a radio station to which NO ONE else is listening at
>>that moment? Ain't gonna happen, EVER.
> Actually, I play on a small, quietly promoted pirate station in Chicago,
>where the above situation is entirely possible.....
> Not to nitpick, Don, but your posts are usually peppered with lots of
>Never Evers.....
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