Re: [rumori] dreams / sampling

From: Chris Ball (
Date: Fri Mar 09 2001 - 14:25:08 PST

I would absolutely be interested!
Do it anyway!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Every Man" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: [rumori] dreams / sampling

> Interesting....and here I've not heard of Breton's work.
> Would anyone be interested in hearing an audio contruction of this dream?
I've been considering it since last night. I might just go and do it
> Would be interesting to hear your opinion on it...Lloyd's as well.
> I was going to use my own voice to emulate the vocal tones of the voices
in my dream, but that's not nearly as fun as finding spoken word samples
that they almost the same thing, it just takes longer that way.
> On Fri, 09 March 2001, "Chris Ball" wrote:
> > Your dream is a veritable "sample" of Breton's Surrealist Manifesto #1,
> > "music" spliced in place of "poetry!" You can borrow my copy if you
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