"It makes it more complex to go to an artist and tell them that they are
going to get less money because they are selling the tracks digitally."
Of course, the Industry can't pass the savings on to "the Kids" or the
Artists - we've been ripping them off for so long (sarcasm, buddy.)
For me, that one line above stuck out most from the whole story.
Passive-aggressive childish bullsiht is all it sounds like to me - an
excuse. And what the HELL? Makes it more complex?!?! Maybe this will push
more Big Artists in a more independant direction. Could this mean increased
competition amongst labels to sign the Hit Artists?
Aaron Forrest <aforrestATprinceton.edu> on 04/05/2001 12:32:08 AM
Please respond to rumoriATdetritus.net
To: rumoriATdetritus.net
cc: (bcc: Dan Serkland/National/NISH)
Subject: Re: [rumori] pho: BK: MTV Gets Down With Downloads
Don Joyce wrote:
> >"It makes it more complex to go to an artist and tell them that they are
> >to get less money because they are selling the tracks digitally."
I think that any artist being represented by this man should be seriously
about the fact that their music costs more when there ISN'T any artwork or
packaging...ie should be cheaper to put out there...just to pay them the
amount as if their album had sold in the store.
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